The project
Arts and education for all!
School of Music has an ambitious project, that of offering the ultimate tool for learning music.
Through mini-games, courses and dedicated tools it will be possible to access easy to learn and use content, suitable for accompanying study done privatamante or even for those who decide to approach for the first time as self-taught.
The mini-games are developed so that the user cannot proceed until the correct answer is given: The purpose is to lead the user to reason about his or her mistakes and not have to correct them only at the end of a test through the intervention of a teacher.
Day by day you will find that the answers will be more and more automatic and you will be able to touch the results.
Improve your skills or keep yourself trained. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user, you will find mini-games of all kinds.
Improve your skills with continuously updated mini-games, set up your preferred note system and monitor your progress over time
Saving favorites
You can mark your favorite games and courses so you have indications of which ones you are currently taking
Track your progress
See the minimum number of errors for each level
Up to date
The app updates its database of questions and courses every time you log on
Language and note system
Set the language and note system you want to use
About Me

School of music is developed and managed by me, Dorin Bobeica, and my team.
I entered the world of music at the age of 10 and have kept the passion ever since. My main educational path, however, is based on computer science, another very strong passion.
I personally found solfege and music theory classes boring, slow and ineffective study paths.
Music theory books with the 4 CDs inside (do they use them anymore?) to do listening exercises, homework that will be corrected a week later, meanwhile the mistakes settle inside us.
Hence the interest in reconciling both passions, music and computer science, and creating a convenient tool for everyone, young and old.